Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dear Morgan,
Sometimes I feel like I am losing the baby girl that I had almost 5 years ago, because you are getting so big and so grown up and our lives are moving so fast that I don't get much time to just be with you anymore.
One of the things that I love about you, is that even when I feel like I am failing at giving you the time you need, you still amaze me with the little girl that you are. You want to do what's right. Your heart is so big and full of love, you want to help everyone around you. You want to take care of the Earth and are always begging to pick up "glitter" (litter)
Today while you and Ian were watching a cartoon there was a thunderstorm on it, and you scooted over next to Ian and patted his back, telling him , "It's okay Ian. Nothing to be scared of. It's okay"
When I hear you talk to your brother like that, it lets me know that hopefully some of the love I have for you is sticking. I really hope that you are learning to let Ian know that he is safe and doesn't need to be afraid because that is how you feel at home.
I love you so much Morgan Rose!
Its for reasons like these, and moments like those, that I am and always will be, grateful to get to watch you grow up.
Love you always,

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